How to post auctions on tsm4
How to post auctions on tsm4

how to post auctions on tsm4

I was forced to manually mine and herb all the materials i needed, and for the most part i had to farm all the volatiles by myself. I wanted to start crafting Vial of the sands on one of my servers, And there was 0 cata herbs posted. Both of these have a much bigger effect on the player population in general than a few providers having to post in stacks. Second, auction house searches and actions started taking up to a minute or two on larger servers. The change was made in response to two things: first, people complained about having to page through all the singles. Looks to me like you were just upset at not being able to flood the auction house with annoying singles. I think that’s a terrible philosophy seeing as there is so much world out there not being used. My point was blizzard continue to alienate the entire World of the game and put more focus on the current expansion. That’s all you’ve done blizzard, once again, you reduced the size of the world to the current expansion. What I have seen is a decline in old-world materials/crafts posted. I still see plenty of singles all over the auction house. The system to avoid posting singles is NOT working. But some people still need to level professions or want to craft old world Tmog, or just want to sell what they want to sell. Right now you think you probably don’t need it, and maybe you don’t. What world would we be in if nobody posted old world herbs, ore, crafts, etc. You know this is the World of Warcraft right? that encompasses the entire game, not just the current expansion. Also before all you say “Well why are you posting old world crafted mats in the first place?”. I understand they want to stop the auction house from being flooded by singles, but it honestly doesn’t seem worth posting old world crafted materials. If we look at posting stacks of 10, its 84g.

how to post auctions on tsm4

At which point I would have spent more money on deposits than I got back from the item selling. Which, is still crazy high considering the item may not even sell for the next 10-15 posts. So I tried posting at stacks of 5, which is about 82g per stack of 5. (keep in mind I didn’t plan on posting 40 singles, I simply saw what it would cost if I were to post as singles before I switched it to stacks) Theres also little reason to post these items in higher than stacks of 5-10 because the crafts they are in are all in that range or even lower. Or, posting 1 Hardened Elementium Bar would cost 200g to post?! Which is crazy seeing they are only worth up to 1000g. It would seem that posting all 40 of my Heavy Borean Leather at 400g each would cost me 3000 gold?!?!?!!? That is ridiculous. I came to conclude that it was a combination of Heavy Borean Leather, Hardened Elementium Bar and a few other items. However, looking at my bags I was noticing THOUSANDS of gold leaving my bags as I was posting.

how to post auctions on tsm4 how to post auctions on tsm4

I use TSM4 to post almost all my 1000+ auctions across multiple servers. I recently came back to the game again to get my auction house flowing so that I could have a steady income to purchase WoW tokens to play both classic and probably a little BFA.

How to post auctions on tsm4